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The Planning Council will strive to ensure delivery of a comprehensive and integrated system of health and social services that guarantees 100% access to services and 0% disparity in health outcomes for all Persons with HIV in New Haven and Fairfield Counties and will strive to meet the needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS.


  • The Ryan White Planning Council New Haven & Fairfield Counties (PC) is a federally mandated community group of dedicated volunteers appointed by the Mayor of the City of New Haven to plan for the organization and delivery of Ryan White Part A (RWPA) services.


  • RWPA funds are used to meet the health service needs of People with HIV (PWH) residing in New Haven and Fairfield Counties who are uninsured or underinsured.


  • As outlined in Federal Ryan White legislation, the Planning Council is required to be reflective of the epidemic in the Ryan White service delivery area (New Haven and Fairfield Counties). The PC collaborates with the Recipient’s Office (City of New Haven Public Health Department) to accomplish its legislative requirements.

  • The PC has four committees: 1) Strategic Planning and Assessment; 2) Quality Improvement; 3) Membership/Finance; and 4) Executive Committee. The four committees operate under a Planning Council Activity Timeline (PCAT) which outlines the work tasks by committee and by month. The Planning Council meeting is a business meeting, reviewing and voting on items (when necessary) of the PC’s committees.

  • Individuals wishing to become a member of the PC must submit a membership application which is reviewed by the Membership/Finance Committee. If approved, the application is forwarded to the PC for review and approval. If the membership application is  approved by the PC, the application is forwarded to the Mayor, City of New Haven for final approval and appointment. The City of New Haven mayor is the Chief Elected Official for the RWPA jurisdiction.

  • Using data (needs assessments, utilization/expenditure reports, etc.), the PC makes decisions to allocate funding to HIV services for PWH who are uninsured or underinsured.

  • For additional information on Planning Council operations and requirements, download the Planning Council Primer.


The duties of the Planning Council are:

  • Establish service priorities and allocate funds from the 2009 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act in New Haven and Fairfield Counties.

  • Develop a comprehensive plan for organizing, delivering, evaluating and monitoring HIV services that are compatible with existing State or Local HIV programs.

  • Assess the efficiency of the administrative mechanism in rapidly allocating funds to areas of greatest need in New Haven and Fairfield Counties. The administrative mechanism, also called the “Recipient”, is the Ryan White Office which is a department of the City of New Haven’s Public Health Department.


Additionally information about PC operations, committees and duties can be found in the PC's By-Laws.



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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-87) via grant H89HA00007.



The people in the photos on this web site are models and used for illustrative purposes only unless otherwise noted – no representation regarding HIV status is made and should not be inferred.

This site contains HIV or STD that may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Since HIV and other STD's are spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such materials, please exit this website.



New Haven Health Department

424 Chapel Street

New Haven, CT 06511

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