​The acceptable levels of medical care and treatment provided through RWHAP funding.
Service Standards outline the elements and expectations a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) service provider follows when implementing a specific service category.
The purpose of service standards are to ensure that all RWHAP service providers offer the same fundamental components of the given service category across a service area.
Service standards establish the minimal level of service or care that a RWHAP funded agency or provider may offer within a state, territory or jurisdiction.
Service standards must be consistent with:
applicable clinical and/or professional guidelines
state and local regulations
licensure requirements
Medical care service standards must be consistent with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) care and treatment guidelines as well as other clinical and professional standards.
For non-clinical services, service standards may be developed using evidence-based best practices, the Part A and B National Monitoring Standards, and guidelines developed by the state and local government.
Service standards are essential in defining and ensuring that consistent quality care is offered to all clients.
Service standards are important to various stakeholders, with the goal to improve client and public health outcomes.
Service standards ensure the minimal expectation for consumers accessing or receiving RWHAP funded services within a state, territory or jurisdiction.
Service Providers
Service standards define the core components of a service category to be included in the model of service delivery for each funded service category.
Planning Bodies
Service standards assist planning bodies with understanding what activities are being provided
Quality Managers
Service standards are the foundation for the clinical quality management program, and provide the framework and service provision from which processes and outcomes are measured.
Grant Recipients
Grant recipients are responsible for ensuring the development, distribution, and use of the service standards. Service standards are important to ensure that services are provided to clients in a consistent manner across service providers.